What If You Stopped Washing Your Hair for a Year?

What If You Stopped Washing Your Hair for a Year?

What If You Stopped Washing Your Hair for a Year? Washing our hair regularly is the basic hygiene tip we all know from childhood but have you ever wondered what would happen if you stopped this lifelong ritual obviously there aren't that many people who are willing to test it on themselves but thankfully experts already have an idea of how your hair would react to know all the details things keep reading.

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So let's say you decided that enough is enough and you can no longer spend hours every day trying to make your hair look buff from now on no more shampoos conditioners or any other hair products.
So what's gonna happen next?

Well, the first couple of days of your experiment would introduce you to an all-natural hair moisturizer know as sebum as you let your scalp deal with everything on its own your hair follicles would start producing more sebum just to make sure that your hair is properly hydrated as a result your hair would become greasy and oily if you have straight hair you can expect this effect in less than five days but if you're one of those lucky ones who have gorgeous curls it can take up to ten days for you to see serious dirt and oil buildup in your hair. 
What If You Stopped Washing Your Hair for a Year?
However, according to Dr.Angela lam, an experienced and board-certified dermatologist several weeks of not washing your hair can lead to a complete hair breakthrough believe it or not there's a chance that from greasy and not so pleasant looking scalp your hair would turn into healthy and shiny strands, of course, everything depends on your hair type and your scalp's condition but in general if after a month of this no shampoo policy your hair still looks like an oily mess it's very unlikely that this magical transformation would actually happen after a little over a month without shampoo you'd have to face another problem the stench people who get to this stage of no hair washing usually say that it's kind of like a strong sour milk odor that follows you everywhere you go the thing is at this point of the experiment you hair starts to trap moisture you know what loves moisture bacteria and these little nasty buggers would give your scalp of let's say unforgettable scent additionally you might notice a higher influence of pollution on your unwashed hair and scalp stylist Susanna Roman confirms this to say that it's actually our skin that gets exposed to pollution the most so dust smoke and any other pollutants you can think of would feel completely at home and you're already greasy and oily hair all this would lead to itching irritation and major discomfort 
but if you think that's the worst that can get think again several months of no hair washing can result in not only a nasty stinky look but also occasional paint especially if you wear your dirty hair in a bun you see tight ponytails or buns pull on your scalp which irritates the nerve endings around your hair follicles plus oily hair is way heavier than frequently washed which has even more pressure on those nerve endings so the outcome is always the same an itchy sore scalp and even frequent headaches and as you come closer to the six or eight month mark of the experiment another problem would arise ingrown hairs and as always it's all thanks to oil and dirt buildup in your hair nonetheless it's not the only issue that can come up after eight months of your new shampoo-free lifestyle what's even scarier is that you can easily stop growing completely from all the damage that dirt oil and pollutants have one too it.

Nevertheless, this is all still pretty tolerable until you enter the eleventh or twelfth-month os quitting shampoo, of course, each case is different but experts still suggest that a year without rinsing your hair with water or at least using conditioner from time to time.

Traps bacteria in the hair follicles and causes an infection known as folliculitis another possible surprise towards the end of the experiment is a severe case of dandruff in some cases all of these processes can start way earlier so as you can see throwing your shampoo out the window isn't that great of a decision after all

or is it all kinds of people including taking that singer Gary Barlow who by the way claims to have not washed his hair for 14 whole years say that going no shampoo dramatically changed their hair for the better and made it way healthier author and journalist Susan Elkin talked about her own experience with quitting shampoo for five years?
according to her during the first stages as your hair is adjusting you should be patient and help your hair by brushing it often brushing distributes the oil along your hair follicles and removes all the dirt and dust another tip that she stands by is rinsing your hair with warm water while massaging the scalp about twice a week it helps to keep the scalp clean and get rid of oil buildup more effectively needless to saySusan Elkin isn't the only fan of removing shampoo from her daily haircare routine in fact there's a whole movement called no poo that encourages people to stop using shampoo for good and the reasoning behind it is completely logical the strong chemicals that most shampoo certain are known to strip our hair of its natural oil which actually damages it that's why no poo adherents suggest washing your hair with more natural products like baking soda apple cider vinegar of just plain water baking soda, for example, is extremely effective at removing dirt dust and oil buildup from your hair leaving it shiny and clean if you want to try this method dissolve one tablespoon of baking soda and a cup of water until the gritty texture disappers then simply apply it to your hair and gently messaging your scalp don;t worry if you don't see any foam baking soda doesn'y really lather so don't focus on that and just wash your hair as you would with your regular shampoo after that's done simply rinse your hair with water and you're good the downside of this natural method is that baking soda can dry out your scalp especially if your hair isn't naturally oily and that's the  part where apple cider vinegar comes in handy as a natural moisturizer it's a perfect natural conditioner for anybody who has dry hair and scalp yhe best way to use it is after washing with baking soda just pour a mix of apple cider viengar and water through your hair and rinse it with water one more time however all these products aren't necessarily simple water can do the trick as well this method is more preferable for people with a normal scalp no poo followers suggest giving it a month to see whether your hair will adjust to this new cleaning technique what you have to do is rinse your hair with warm water and massaging your scalp exactly like you would with shampoo this will get all the oil out of your hair no poo adherents say that you shouldn't stop the experimnets if it didn't work the first couple of times your hair is still figuring out this new method and need some time to get used to it according to no poo proponents the first week of going wiyhout shampoo is the toughest but it does get easier with time and the final thing you'll need if you're planing on joining the no poo team has a good boar bristle brush remember Susan Elkins advice about brushing your hair often to distribute the oil along its follicles that's exactly it.
More bristle brushes are the best for this job because they have a similar texture to human hair using such a brush through your hair has tons of benefits from providing great helping styling to reducing those annoying split ends.

Not bad for not properly washing your hair for a couple of days right so maybe this brave experiment is worth a try after all but what about would you like to give this no shampoo challenge ago let us know down in the comments don't forget to give this article alike share it with your friends.