Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Massage your belly for 15 minutes to make it flat you know how when you have a stomachache or you feel bloated you automatically put your hand on your belly well that's your instincts trying to help you find some relief from something that's making you uncomfortable as always your instincts are spot on touch in the form of massage or pressure is an excellent solution to tons of problems including belly fat and discomfort.

there is a massage technique out there that can flatten out a puffy stomach and smooth out pockets of fat around the midsection not only that it can help with constipation menstrual cramps and even boost your immune system massage itself brings freshly oxygenated blood to your muscle and internal organs thus improving your circulation and the function of these organs oh and did I mention you can totally do it yourself from the comfort of your own home eyes the movements are very simple and can be performed every day you can do them lying down or standing up in front of a mirror abdominal massages are great if you're struggling with bloating and water retention as well decreased self-esteem and anxiety as a result of your puffy belly just it from the experts in a 2015 study conducted at Taiwan's national Taipei university of nursing and health science researches had participants suffering from bloating and excess fluid retention to a 15-minute massage twice a day after just three days the participants reported decreased abdominal bloating they also said they felt better overall both physically and emotionally when you're first starting to do the massage experts recommended going slow and being gentle with your body if you find that some areas of your abdomen are a bit tender lighten your pressure lying down and standing up are both effective positions to take but most beginners get the best results when lying down on the floor or in a bed after you feek comfortable performing the techniques lying down you can then transition to doing them while standing up.

while we're at it here are three tips about massage, in general, that will help you understand the effects and goals on a deeper level 

Tips 1. Toxins in your body are released during a massage that's why it'highly recommended that you increase your intake of fluids especially water during this time this will help your body get rid of those released toxins more effectively and efficiency.

Tips 2. If you decided to lie down while doing the self-massage alternate your knees to either side to give the body a stretch and provide some balance.  Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Tips 3. Be consistent beat be consistent become your body's cheerleader and try to get in a couple of 20-minute massages every day you can do it when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night you'll probably start to notice improvements around the two-week mark laps. 
Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Also, read:


now that's out of the way let's talk about the setup and expectations in terms of oil it's better to use olive oil or coconut oil when you pour the oil on your hands always rub them together to warm them up to prepare your environment for the massages turn off your phone or TV and choose a quiet and warm space with low lighting do not perform the massages right after eating or if you have a bad stomach ache or the flu if you perform the massages for menstrual cramp relief keep in mind that they do increase blood flow for the best results you have to combine this self-massage with a low-calorie diet and exercise regimen at least three times a week it's always a good idea to consult your doctor before trying any at home remedies like massage.

Simple Massage Regimen

12 You get started here's a simple massage regimen.

Step 1. To overlap your hands places them on your stomach on top of your navel and takes a few breaths.
Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat
Breathe in by inflating your stomach and exhale by pushing your stomach downward with your hands' repeat three times this first exercise helps relax your stomach and get it ready for the subsequent messages.

Step 2. Pour a little oil on your hands and rub them together perform a circular clockwise massage on the entire belly with your palms do these three times.
Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Step 3. Place your right hand under the left rib and perform small circular massages repeat the movement on the other side with your left hand under your right rib this massage should always be done with the opposite hand do three repetitions on each side.
Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Step 4. With your hand place, three fingers between your sternum and bellybutton again do small circular massages moving diagonally down to your right hip bone and passing over the transverse colon repeat with a left hand moving toward the left hip bone do three reps on each side.
Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Step 5. With three fingers of your left hand start from the left
hip bone and move straight up using circular motions repeat on the right side with three fingers of your right hand starting from the right hip bone and going up in circular motions again do three on each side this massage stimulates the ascending and descending colon. 

Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat 
Step 6. Place both hands on either side of your belly with your palms facing each other than push your hands towards each other while squeezing tummy between them perform this movement three times.
Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Step 7. Next, we're gonna try something the French invented to get rid of cellulite the pal pal rouille technique it's basically a manual manipulation of the body cellulite simply pinch your belly skin and slide your fingers from a bottom to top each time grabbing a new flap of skin do three reps this technique is great for eliminating cellulite just know that it can be painful if you have too much flab.

Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Step 8. Grab your belly in both hands and give your stomach a shake this will stimulate and activate circulation doing this three times will be enough.

Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat

Step 9. Finallyperform a circular counterclockwise massage on your entire stomach with the palm of your hands, and you guessed it did three reps to finish it off. 

Massage Your Belly for 15 Minutes to Make It Flat


Aren't just effective for flatting the belly they can also help alleviate discomfort caused by problems like indigestion constipation gas or PMS, of course, most physical problems bring on emotional stress so it's great knowing that you can get rid of that too right and don't forget that you can add and should use essential oils in a blend for your tummy massage according to doctor axes oil guide essential oils can fight cold and flu symptoms relax your body and soothe sore muscle heal skin conditions alleviate pain

balance hormones improve digestion reduce cellulite and wrinkles not to mention different oils give you different experience and effects on the body here are some ideas for you oil blends use 4teaspoons of sweet almond carrier oil as a base for a soothing calming pain relieving experience use 6 drops of lavender and two drops of bergamot for a soft and soothing experience use six drops of sweet orange two drops of geranium and two drops of peppermint once you settle on your favorite oil combo oil combo take 1tsp of your chosen blend in your right hand and smooth it all over your belly start at your right hip use your right hand to stroke up under your rib cage and down your left side across your lower abdomen making a complete circle repeat this five times starting at your sides slowly crisscross both hands over the top of your abdomen five times feel free to use your favourite oils or oil blends to make this a truly unique and customized self-care experience have you ever tried massages to flatten your body support digestion or even just as a relaxation technique let us know on the comments don't forget to share it with your freinds.
