How to Do Organic Keyword Research for Google - SEO
Before you can gettraffic from Google youneed to first figure out whatkeywords should youtry to gettraffic from. If you don't know the right keywords, then you don't know what to rank for or what to buy ads for and if you get irrelevant traffic you're not going to get any sales and you're just going to be wasting your time and money.Today I'm goingtoteachyou how to dokeywords research in less than 60 seconds. It's reallysimple.Ifyou don't know the right keywords, then you don't knowwhat to rank for or what to buyads for and ifyouget irrelevant traffic you're not going to get any sales and you're justgoing to be wasting your time and money.
When yousee that, that's a list of all the keywords that they're payingmoney for.If someone is continually payingmoney for a keyword, itmeans that it's driving the traffic, and more importantly sales. That's how you should determine what keywords to target.Now don't just depend on one competitor.Go into SEMrush and type in your top three maincompetitors. If you don't have direct competitors type in your top three indirect competitors.Seewhat main keywords that they're paying ad dollars for and what's driving them their traffic, and those are the keywordsyou should be going after. If younotice that your top three competitors are going after the same key terms. It'll tell you that those are the terms you should be targeting, 'cause if one, two and three people are bidding on the same terms that means they all can't be buffoons. The term must be making them money. full-width