Science Fiction That Became REALITY
Hello science enthusiast welcome to Tech Schmtech a whole new world of science nowadays awesome science due to so many Hollywood movies and comics recently we have so many fictional concepts from movies that are becoming reality right now so my curious friends today we are going to explore some science fictional things that are real so sitting back and enjoy.
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1.Memory Editing
If you remember the film men in black wait a minute, you can't remember the film because of a sci-fi device that can delete your past memories we’ll be able to modify it the concept is that the light emitted by interacts with neurons of the hippocampus region of the brain but thanks to advancements in neurological scanning technology now we’re closer than you might think to accomplish this task memory is an incredibly complex process you collect this article because you know our shouter inspire has some great article this information is being triggered.
And fired by the neuronal circuit of your brain and this process is facilitated by special protein intentionally scientists block the production of the special memory protein in animals with an antagonist drug as a result the animals have no recollection of the things that place shortly after the drug was taken for these research scientists actually found a way to target long-term memories for deletion by manipulating the same reconsolidation process psychologist Julia Shaw has shown that it’s possible to make people remember a crime they never committed and even provide vivid details about the fictional events the real question is what happens if this knowledge is in the wrong hands.
When it comes to movie props, there’s never been anything as iconic as the lightsaber the Jedi and Sith of star wars fight with a weapon that’s an elegant sci-fi twist on the samurai sword powered by ming magic but could this weapon from Star Wars really exist.

While Star Wars is science fiction, the scientists from Harvard and MIT just created a new form of molecule that could potentially be used to create real lightsabers scientists at the lab are reporting that they’ve successfully managed to get two photons to interact with each other and form a photonic molecule that acts as if it has mass but maintains the properties of light to achieve it they need to maintain a specific environment through this according to physics photons contain no mass and don’t interact with each other that’s why two beams of light pass right through each other lightsabers aside the creation of a photonic molecule is actually a pretty big deal.
3-Artificial sperm & ovum
Have you ever thought to create something unique why not create babies well before 2009 it was just an imagination but now babies are created without sperm or eggs it became a reality after scientists grew artificial mouse embryos from stem cells Chinese researchers converted the embryonic stem cells of mice is a primitive sperm and fertilized an egg to produced healthy baby mice experts say a similar human embryo follow within a year this research helping scientists investigate infertility and miscarriage the pioneering results can help scientists provide answers to fertility problem yield insight into the early stages of embryonic development and enable the development of new kinds of reproductive technology in the near future however such works raises important ethical questions about the sanctity of human life and whether it should be manipulated or created in a lab at all, of course, there should be an international dialogue on the regulation of such experiments but the study was welcomed by the scientific community who said it was a significant breakthrough.